Sunday, April 01, 2018

Happy Easter! You Are Right That Isn't a Rabbit

One would commonly expect a rabbit for an Easter Blog but not this Easter and it is this guy's fault.

I had an Eastern Cottontail in my camera sights.  Suddenly the bunny looked up with such focus removing his gaze from me to something else which caused him to freeze even tighter.

I looked up and it was a Turkey Vulture.  WHAT?  A Turkey Vulture?  Rabbits don't get eaten by vultures.   Well not unless they are dead and therefore past caring.

I looked back at bunny.  But bunny had hippity hopped at rabbit speed somewhere, not to be seen again, at least by me, since.

Then the question becomes, was bunny really afraid of those wide wings in the sky, or have I just been duped by a rabbit.

She isn't saying.  

Therefore Happy Easter from the Cottontail, the Turkey Vulture and Me!

Donegal Browne

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