Photo courtesy of
From James O'Brien,
Took a trip to see the 5th ave. hawks from 12-2pm (Today, Friday the 12th. D.B.), here's what was observed:
The sick bird is the smaller, less active of the two juveniles. It also has a white bib, while its sister has that distinctive orange coloring on bib. According to hawk watchers, the bird was last fed yesterday morning. As of today, the bird had empty crop and was exhibiting behavior consistent with frounce such as listlessness, prolonged right eye closing, wing drooping and that hunkered down body language; although some did say it looked better than the day before. Bird is still capable of powered, controlled flight and was flying to various trees across Cedar Hill, occasionally begging. The watchers on site would remain to observe and report if there were any changes for the better or worse and if it accepts food from parents at feeding time. I also shared this group with a few of them in an attempt to get all parties on the same page.
PS if you are coming to the site by train, major delays on the A,B,C,D and 4 lines due to a water main break at Yankee Stadium...take a bus if possible.
Next, I just got a call from Hawk Watcher Stella Hamilton who is currently on the spot. One of the Horvath's rehabbing associates came to check on the fledglings. It appears that Number 1 besides the listless behavior has a drooping wing. This is the fledgling which some days ago became very quiet and wasn't behaving normally when it came to activity. She is still flying and did steal some food from the other sibling. So may now be eating we hope.
More news as it comes in!
Donegal Browne
One of the Fifth Avenue Fledglings may have a problem, watch the videos on Her behavior has been less energetic, lethargic, not flying as much for instance, but the real kicker here is that she was observed refusing food. And anyone who has watched young Red-tails knows that that just does not happen unless there is some kind of serious problem.
I report this not so the fledglings will be chased or bothered, please be observant and considerate, but rather to relate a missed chance of my own which might have made a difference.
Some of you will remember when Hous, one of the Houston fledglings who was being fostered by Athena and Atlas, died of Frounce because we could not catch him in time and get him to the Horvaths for rehabilitation before it was too late.
Early on before we realized he was ill, and I'd not seen the symptoms of frounce or other really debilitating problems such as some kind of throat obstruction in young hawks, I happened across Hous hunkered down on the ground as though he were asleep. I was only a couple feet away and could readily have thrown something over him or even leaned down and grabbed his feet. I knew this behavior was certainly unusual but didn't realize at the time that the fledgling would have to be in very bad shape to allow me within those few feet without even noticing me.
I mean they're human habituated, right? Wrong. Hous was very ill and it took many days after that for anyone to catch him. By then it was too late. I've grieved ever since that I didn't know enough to have given him a better chance at survival.
Therefore, for anyone in and around Central Park, who may see one of the fledglings acting in a debilitated manner, throw something over the youngster if you have it, or at any rate make a grab for her "ankles" from behind, because if you can get near enough to lay hands on her she is very ill. Then get her to help as soon as you possibly can by contacting the Horvaths, and if you can taking her to their facility or if you haven't the contact info with you take her to the Animal Medical Center. At AMC make sure they know to contact the Horvaths and tell them that this is one of Pale Male and Ginger Lima's fledglings.
Sometimes being the offspring of the famous, whether human or animal can get people's quick focus. If you could pick this bird up, she needs help now.
Donegal Browne