Monday, March 26, 2018

Quicksilver the African Grey Parrot, Squirrel the Cat, a Pin Cushion, a Puppy, More Cats and Beefy's Reef Besides!

Busted!  Once again Quicksilver the African Grey Parrot is caught in the act.  For whatever reason, Silver has never met a full pincushion he can bear to leave alone.  He has a compulsion....the pincushion must be plucked of it's pins.

And he is serious about it.  He will not be denied.  Note how his eyes are a touch slitty.  If I leaned down right now to pick up a pin to replace it, he would likely nab my hand with his exceedingly sharp beak.

We must proceed with caution.  Let's take a look at the bigger picture.

Squirrel the Cat has arrived to check out the action.  Parrot vs Human interactions with the added variable with a pin cushion are always fascinating.  Who is going to bleed. Note where Silver's feet are.
As everyone else is qawking at them Squirrel comes forward and sniffs them.  Hmmm.  No unusual smell.
Look at the top left corner of  the photograph.  Look how much closer Silver's feet are.
This is when I realize in real time how much closer Silver has gotten to my face and the camera.  I lean back. 
 Pulling all the pins is a compulsion for him at this moment.
I haven't the slightest.  But I know it is.
We've been here before.
I stare at the pins.  Silver stares at me.
He then leans over and carefully pulls the three or four remaining pins in the cushion.  That completed he will just walk away and I'm allowed to pick up the pins for the hundreth times this year.


I haven't the slightest idea.

I'm open to theories.

Donegal Browne