Photo by Donna Browne
Merry Christmas from Pale Male and Lola,

Photo by Donna Browne
...from Survivor of the Cathedral nest,
Photo by Donna Browne
...the backyard Cooper's Hawk, the House Sparrows in the twig and snow igloo,
...the gorgeous Common Milkweed,

Photo by Donna Browne ...the belligerent Cardinal,
...belly band-less Grove,

Photo by James O'Brien
...all wildlife rehabilitators, especially Bobby and Cathy Horvath,

Photo courtesy of Tufts University
and the Boston Train Station Cooper's Hawk.

Photo by Brett Odom
Merry Christmas from Pale Male Jr. and Charlotte,
Photo by Donegal Browne
...the Rainbow Drive Black-capped Chickadees,

...the chemical company Sandhills,
Photo by Bobby Horvath
...the Allen Park nesting Red-tailed Hawks,
and Louie the tool using Amazon Parrot.
Merry Christmas from Astoria's Andromeda and Atlas,

Photo by Cheryl Cavert
...from Tulsa's Kay and Jay,
...the Cowbirds and Chipping Sparrows,
plus the Cox Road Turkey Flock.
Merry Christmas from Doorstep Dove and Friend, from their favorite snuggle spot,
...from their 2010 fledglings,

Photo by Donna Browne
...the Clever Crow,

and the Bird Bath Drinking Cat.

Merry Christmas from the Drew University Parking Lot Ducklings,

Photo by Donna Browne
...Wisconsin's Hooded Mergansers,

...the copulating Blackwaters,

Photo John Blakeman
...the trampoline using Bald Eagles,
...the field gleaning aerodynamically regimented Gulls,

Photo by Donegal Browne
...the momentarily grounded fledgling bat,

Photo by Francois Portmann
...the Mallard Hen in the Central Park planter,

photo by Francois Portmann
...the One Fifth tiercel,

and the Goody Stump flock of Crows,
Photo courtesy of The Legend Of Pale Male
Merry Christmas from the Hawkwatchers of New York City,

Comparison photo collage by Francois Portmann
...the Houston Street Female,
photo by Donna Browne
...the world's ingenious Gray Squirrels,

photo by Donna Browne
...all the urban rats that feed urban eyasses,

...Janesville Wisconsin's Rock and Jane Bald Eagle,

Photo by Cheryl Cavert
plus Kay and Jay of Tulsa and their fledgling Kat.
Merry Christmas from the Storr's Lake Red-tails, J.B. and Issy,
...Jolly Bunny,
...the clever Wisconsin Juncos,

Photo by Eddie Yu
...the juvenile Bald Eagles,

Photo by Pat Gonzalez
and all the juvenile Red-tailed Hawks who winter in New York City.
Photo by Donegal Browne
A Very Merry Christmas from the Mall Planter Mallard Hen and her ducklings,

...Mama, Papa, and their fledgling who managed to return to the nest,
and the migrating Sandhill Cranes.

Photo by Donegal Browne
Merry Christmas from Mr. and Mrs. M,
Photo by Pat Gonzalez
....the mystery farm duck drake and his new mate,
Photo by Donna Browne
...the wing tip kissing Canada Goose pair,
Photo by Nicola Cetorelli
...Isolde and Norman's fire escape cold wind refuges,
and all the daring ducks in all the boroughs of New York City,
Merry Christmas from the adaptable feral Rock Pigeon,
...Wisconsin's pole disputing Red-tailed Hawks,

Photo by Francois Portmann
...the ground breaking Queen's Ravens and their nestlings,
plus Reggie the Madison Avenue Bluebird.
Photo by Donna Browne
Merry Christmas from the rehydrating Christopher Crow,

Photo by Richard Fleisher
...the Great-horned Owls at the New York Botanical Garden,
...all the roadside Red-tailed Hawks,
and Rocky Raccoon and Pyewackit.

Photo by Richard Fleisher
Merry Christmas from Rose and Vince of the Fordham Nest,
(Do Rose and Vince look alike or what? Good thing she has a band or when Vince's eyes go completely dark they could be very tough to tell apart when seen separately. )

...Samantha Browne-Walters and the baby Starling,

Photo by Francois Portmann
and Samantha Raven's Cooper's Hawk buddy.
Photo by Carol Studebaker
Merry Christmas from Quicksilver, me, and the tree we were in,
photo by Donna Browne
...all parrots who yearn to drive cars,
...Jewel of the Emerald Grove Road Red-tailed Hawks,

....the horribly perturbed House Sparrow hen,

...and beautiful Isolde.

Merry Christmas from The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine Blue Peacock,
...Steam, the Cox Road Red-tailed Hawk,
...the 2010 juveniles of Jamie and Claire Sandhill Crane at Thresherman's Park,
Photo by Roger Brown
...the northern Wisconsin synchronized Tom Turkeys,
...the twig envy-ing Robin,

Photo by Francois Portmann
Merry Christmas from the Unisphere Red-tails,
.... from the Walmart Red-tail and the wing riding Red-wings.
Photo by Francois Portmann

Merry Christmas from the Yellow-crowned Night Herons

Photo courtesy of Yana Paskova of the New York Times
And a very special Happy New Year from nearly 28 year Old Gal!
And a merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you.
Feliz Navidad y Prospero Año Nuevo from the sparrows, doves, blue jays, cardinals, bush tits, starlings, cowbirds, catbirds, sea gulls, swans, ducks, carolina wrens, hawks, foxes, squirrels, skunks, raccoons, and the occasional tiny mouse.
What a beautiful look back of all the various creatures we've come to know through the blog over the last year. I've gotten new eyes since I've starting checking in.
Steve Bowden
I love the mixture of rural and urban wildlife news. It's so different and it really shows up when you see them all at once.
Have a Happy New year
Angie of NYC
Thank you, Donna, for the most beautiful Christmas card of all.
Love Betty Jo
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