When I walked into Central Park today on the west side to walk across to the east side of the park to go and visit Pale Male and Lola, I saw that the Wisteria was in bloom on the bower that sits just as you enter Strawberry Fields, and that Central Park was packed to the gills with people. It then occurred to me that on a day like this, with some sun, and Spring in full tilt and people to match, that I often see all sorts of things on my walk across and never mention them.
For instance this nest of unknown species. The rather messy twig construction looks a bit like a Crow's nest but no self respecting crow would guild so obviously and right over the sidewalk besides. Not a chance. House Sparrow? Another messy nest look but too big for them.
Then past the IMAGINE mosaic in Strawberry Fields to the soundtrack of guitarists playing Beatles tunes.
A budding juggler attempts to hide out in a quiet corner no doubt in hopes he can get some practice in and not humiliate himself too much in the meantime. Why doesn't he use his backyard? Likely he doesn't have one. And while I'm standing there, suddenly I'm surrounded by this incredible fragrance. I look up.
I'm standing under a blooming magnolia.
There is a jazz quintet playing.
The Lake restoration must be done as there are once again boaters on it taking their ease.
The Lake may be done, but from the looks of the scaffolding on Bethesda Fountain, work on it is just beginning. This doesn't deter the dancers who often use the mall to do their show. I head down to the hill for the Hawk Bench.
And what do I see? Pale Male heading off towards the south past the buildings, Linda and The Crows.
I check out Lola. What is it lately? I seem destined to spend lots of time looking at the tails of formels on the nest.
I shouldn't have complained. Now I don't even have a tail to look at. I check with Ric Davis, a mainstay of the Hawk Bench, he tells me that there have been two switches today and that earlier Pale Male and Lola had to repulse an intruder.
Speaking of Pale Male, beak to the wind, he's up holding onto the Oreo Antenna with a death grip so he won't be blown off.
Still no sight of Lola.
There she is, keeping an eye peeled just in case.
Pale Male has now switched over to Stovepipe, still holding on tightly and scanning.
Right now is the window for a hatch, not that there is much expectation that that will happen, but you never know. And besides it is just so good to see Pale Male and Lola in good health going about their business of the season after the losses in the adult hawk population of late that whatever happens with the eggs is okay with me as long as PM and L are okay.
Lola looks north towards Pale.
Now towards the Ramble and the Boat House.
Pale Male seems to have decided to do a circuit of the holdings. Keeping a sharp eye on things is something he rather enjoys I think. He looks down at Lola as he passes over.
He circles.
And for those who've not seen it, this is the view from the Hawk Bench. 927 Fifth Avenue is the shorter building in the skyline, center. The nest is above the top floor center window.
Another look northwest.
Now west.
Pale Male has now switched to the railing on the northwest corner of Stovepipe.
Still scanning. It's getting late and the walk lights have come on so I pack up my things to go back across the park and catch the subway. But typically suddenly Pale Male comes roaring from the back of 927, zig zags over the model boat pond (technically the Conservatory Water...they never built the conservatory actually) and then heads back toward 927. He's quite the energetic hawk.
A somewhat closer look of the nest's position on 927 as Pale Male circles overhead.
Now flying over Woody.
Heading north.
Still going.
And back to the railing of Stovepipe.
Any other place you might think the conjunction of the white, red, and green overlapping each other was a happy accident. Nope, they plan this stuff.
Rob Schmunk reports what looks like feeding behavior by Isolde up at the Cathedral Nest.
FROM WISCONSIN, James W. Blank Jr. reports Red-tail activity off Hwy 26, perhaps a chance of a nest there? Plus a Cooper's Hawk was seen taking prey smack dab in the center of Milton outside the Family Restaurant on main street.
Donegal Browne
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