Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Mystery Teeny Ski Tracks, Doorstep and Company, plus Site Alerts

Doorstep Dove eyes the House Sparrow. For some reason Doorstep seems to check the sparrows out far more carefully than do her counterparts.

Earlier in the day, there had been a raptor somewhere close outside. The squirrels scolded for hours and there wasn't a bird to be seen. I went out and looked and could not find her for the life of me. Which makes me suspect Accipter, but aren't they all supposed to have migrated out?

The day has been cold and the birds have been having to lay low. They are hungry, and I've rarely seen birds peck this fast.
Doorstep still up center, with no legs. Metaphorically anyway.

Suddenly the ground flock headed out a a quick swoosh, and while looking around for them, I say that little what? Looks like a ski trail for an animal that wears three skis.


Another look. Being practical did someone slide on their claws down the hill? Squirrel? Or is it really a three legged fairy who is into winter sports.

From Brooklyn's Peggy M--

Click here: Cloudboxer.com Unique Bird Photography Bird Art

Have you seen any of these? I thought you'd enjoy them because they are fantastic.

Brooklyn, NY

And a site recommendation from falconer Joanne of Emrys Raptors

In particular readers might be interested in clicking Health then click Diseases as this last year was rather fraught with them, in NYC at least, and there is also a good starter glossary of terms related to raptors.

My apologies in advance--The blog may be a bit spotty for a few days as my Mom passed away last Saturday, and I'm taking care of the arrangements.

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