Remember Carol Vinzant, the wildlife rehabilitator who sent in the photo of the baby squirrel eating upside down while in her pocket?
Well, here are three of her charges, Kung Fu, Shadow, and Doe. They were snoozing away just a few days ago without a care in the world. Little did they know that the time was about to come, as they're all grown up now, when they'd be released to make their own way in the world of a carefully chosen city park, complete with squirrel house.
She said," The squirrel release went pretty well, though I’m still nervous about the timid squirrel Doe.
The bold squirrel Kung Fu had no trouble jumping out of the carrier and climbing up the tree. Shadow quickly followed him, then did a crazy spastic dance between the ground and tree, which scared away a robin. Doe was very shy about coming out and eventually just went to hide in the bushes.
(This is where the photo of the squirrel house would be if Blogger would load it, but it won't . Just like it won't load the continuation of the photos of the Gracklery started yesterday. Sigh. D.B.)
The bold squirrel Kung Fu had no trouble jumping out of the carrier and climbing up the tree. Shadow quickly followed him, then did a crazy spastic dance between the ground and tree, which scared away a robin. Doe was very shy about coming out and eventually just went to hide in the bushes.
(This is where the photo of the squirrel house would be if Blogger would load it, but it won't . Just like it won't load the continuation of the photos of the Gracklery started yesterday. Sigh. D.B.)

One of Carol's charges looking like he'd been hanging upside down in a tree in the park all his life.
You can see the slideshow story here:
Carol Vinzant
207 East 5th Street
New York, NY 10003
(212) 979 - 5327
Remember the night screen captures of the Red-tails in Tulsa flying all around in the dark? They were captured by Donna Johnson who sent some Thunder news today for all of us to enjoy.
207 East 5th Street
New York, NY 10003
(212) 979 - 5327
Remember the night screen captures of the Red-tails in Tulsa flying all around in the dark? They were captured by Donna Johnson who sent some Thunder news today for all of us to enjoy.
Hello Donna,
Robin asked me to email you about Thunder on the KJRH website. It sounds like they had quite a day. They give very graphic play by plays on the site of Thunder’s every move almost daily and today he got on the pole that the camera is attached to and put on quite a show. It just so happened that the webmaster was watching and when Thunder disappeared off screen he grabbed a cameraman and audio equipment and went outside. They saw Thunder on the tower way below the nest and taped him being attacked by a small bird. They also posted video of Thunder’s show and then her flight away. They followed her flying around and landing in some trees by the river. Then to top it off, they got another video of Kay, Jay and Thunder all in the nest area eating. There are 3 new videos in the upper right hand corner of the web page located here: http://www.kjrh.com/content/news/hawks/default.aspx
The 3 new videos are titled "Thunder comes under attack from a rather determined little bird ", "Thunder flies! Great closeups, followed by a few moments of her in flight as she headed towards the river" &"Shortly after Thunder's flight, all three in the nest for lunch "
I thought this would be some great information and videos to share with everyone. I hope you have time to check it out.
Thank you,
And thank you, Donna!

Thank goodness Carol's newly released squirrels aren't in the same park as this beautiful eyass from Mama and Papa's nest in Queens. I hate it when animals we know eat other animals we know. Even though we know everyone has to eat after all, but still...
This was the first fledge off the Queen's nest. She's giving something the eye, possibly her two younger siblings who have also taken the leap. The three youngsters from that nest are doing very well and learning their lessons in good time to take care of themselves this winter.
And this would be the spot for the photo of the youngest fledgling Jeff Kollbrunner sent, www.jknaturegallery.com/ if only blogger would get a clue. Double sigh.
Donegal Browne
There's always tomorrow, right?
Do hand-raised squirrels know how to get food in the wild?
A wildlife rehabber wouldn't be allowed to release hand raised squirrels unless there was a good chance for their survival. I'll send your question on to Carol so we can get the straight scoop on how it works.
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