Sunday, June 15, 2008


6pm Eastern

Sharp eyed Hawk Watcher Stella Hamilton, after seeing the first Cathedral fledge come off the nest, (see next post down), and keeping an eye on her, Stella heard Catbirds, looked around, and discovered the second Fledge of the day Cathedral 2 sitting on the stone wall of Morningside Park being harassed by Catbirds. In an attempt to get away from the Catbirds, the last thing I heard Stella say, before the call ended abruptly was, "Honey, no, no, don't go that way." My assumption is that C2 was heading for the street. Stella is well equipped to deal with that sort of thing so no worries, but I didn't want to call her back and interfere with whatever it was that she was attempting to do. Therefore....

You'll know when I know!

D. B.

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