Photos by Francois Portmann
The Houston Tiercel
To all concerned,
We have sad news and a bad situation to report. Unfortunately the adult male LES bird died over night. He had been open mouth breathing and in respiratory distress for a day and we considered euthanizing him but he made the decision for us.
Now as precaution we caught the remaining 2 LES fledglings still here and upon inspection we discovered they both now have frounce as well. One is in worse shape than the other. From outward appearance they both look perfect but half their food was left on Thursday so Cathy switched their diet offering them something different hoping maybe they got bored but it also was left. One was laying down and they should be past that stage at this point. We removed them and now have them in the house in cages for individual treatment and force feeding.
Additionally the released LES fledgling at the Triboro Bridge may also be infected if whatever they ate was brought prior to us getting him in. Or the opposite is possible that whatever the male and 2 younger ones ate was after the first ( HOUS) fledged and then he'd be in the clear. He should be carefully monitored if at all possible .
Jules and Peter would be the first to notice any change since they are there the most. In recent pictures Jules shared he is observed lying down in three different locations so we are concerned for him as well. There is an unknown incubation period but once infected if untreated death is certain within a week. Even with treatment there is no guarantee survival.
It is gotten from eating diseased pigeon and not passed from bird to bird thru contact so there isn't any concern for the other Triboro birds. As we obviously don't feed pigeon to anything , these birds all came to us infected and if released prior regardless of the location they would have succumbed to this eventually.
None of our non releasable birds are ill and they are separated as routine from rehab birds with the exception of Diana . Birds are not profalactically vaccinated or treated for disease while young because there is a chance of weakening the immune system if done too early but perhaps in the future science will come up with a possible solution to this old problem.
We take in every year young peregrines from 1 particular nest out here that die from frounce every year and Ive made the governing agencies aware and they have not decided to step in to attempt prevention so I don't have any answers for the red tails situation in the city either. It is heartbreaking for us to have to see young or old anything we care for struggle and us not able to give them all the magic pill for survival.
We are sorry,
Bobby and Cathy
Hous, lying in the crouch of a tree.
I knew that lying in trees for birds that were old enough to get into them was unusual, but Hous is a bird with a big personality and full of surprises. Now we know it may be because he is ill.
If he is ill and becomes grounded and catchable, the sooner he can be gotten into treatment at the Horvaths the better.
For those who would like to help keep an eye on Hous--Take the N or W train to the next to last stop, and get off at Astoria Plaza/Park. Look for the bridge. Walk toward it and you will see a park directly to the right of it. This is Astoria Park, where the Triborough pair have been tending Hous and Trib. Listen for the scolding song birds and there often Hous will be.
Stealth has never been his strong suite
Donegal Browne
Crumb. Thinking good thoughts for all three birds, and esp. Hous.
What does LES stand for?
I know everyone appreciates the great effort the Horvaths put in for all these birds.
To put it mildly, this has not been a good year for red-tails....
It's wonderful that there are people like Bobby and Cathy Horvath doing all they can to help.
With the news it took me a minute to figure out LES too. It stands for Lower East Side.
My apologies. Today was a travel day for me and it turned into a whopper with all the thunderstorms so I'm behind on your emails. I'll catch up soon
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