Little Bluestem

Here are a few LBS (little bluestem) photos from my projects.
The russet colors were in fall and winter.
It's a great plant, utterly unknown and unused by the conventional hort world.
Sincerely,John A. BlakemanMeadow Environments LLC
I would love to see the pictures of John Blakeman's garden!I had a colleague who owned a seed company--selling lots of California natives. He planted his front yard in native grasses and scraggly wild things. His wife hated it and eventually the City of Camarillo cited him and forced him to mow it. (fire rules you know)Our California native grasses are very threatened by development and agriculture and invasive annual grasses.
Betty Jo

Here's more Little Blue Stem from another of John Blakeman's projects
It would be nice to see the jpgs John mentions about prairie lawns. I have dandelions, blue violets, white violets, clover, and unidentified flowering objects in my organic lawn. Looks great. I also let the lawn get high. Unfortunately, I have to use a power mower; a reel mower, which I used for years at my old house, would never make it thru this. I have rabbits, birds, skunks and a woodchuck as visitors, also butterflies. My neighbor with a conventional lawn has about zero wildlife.
Karen K.
(Well, folks, with all the requests to see John's yard I asked for some photos that would give us a look. D.B.)
In answer to other email wondering about how Isolde is doing? She's flying and going about a certain amount of her business but there have been behavior changes and we're attempting to figure out why. So far, so good.
Donegal Browne
I enjoyed the photos of Little Bluestem. It's a native grass of Kentucky and also of my home state, Nebraska.
Thanks Genevieve, and now there's more from John Blakeman on native grasses, check it out.
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