Youngest has pigeon for dinner. She plucked quite a number of feathers herself
Monday, 12 JUN 2006
Sunset: 8:27PM
Temp. 72F
Humidity 68%
James O'Brien, http://yojimbot.blogspot.com had called with the news that Eldest had moved this morning from his previous position of yesterday in a tree adjacent to Morningside Drive to one off side of the park on Manhattan Avenue near the Church and that Youngest was still in the nest.
3:32 When I arrived I checked on Youngest and yes, she was still there. Another early report had Youngest receiving a squirrel in the nest for lunch about 2:30PM and that there was some obscured flapping by an unidentified possible Red-tail over near some chimneys on the Cathedral.
4:28 RT on Gabriel takes off.
5:02 Mom delivers a pigeon to Youngest on the nest.
5:07 Youngest actually pulls some of the feathers off the prey herself. She eats heartily.
5:21 Youngest stands on St. Andrew's head. Will she be off now too? She decides against it and gets back down.
5:25 A Blue Jay stands in the London Plane over the viewing area on 113th and screams abuse.
5:30 Youngest stands behind St. Andrew's head and preens.
6:15 After having been sidetracked by some Sidewalk Wonder's plants, we finally set out to discover Eldest's whereabouts. It was far quicker than expected as we must have walked past him several times looking at plants.
6:20 Eldest on shortest roof, rear of Cathedral, SW corner. Then up a roof flapping, to cross.

6:22 Youngest looking at Eldest.

6:43PM Eldest on Angel, postion same as below. Note bulging crop and superhero stance.

6:51PM Eldest on the Angel, back lower roof of The Cathedral.

6:48PM "Incoming", but incoming what?
(Forgive the blurry pic, the scrutiny is concerning the distant bird up left that Eldest is watching.)
7:44PM Dad flies to urn, SE corner of Plant Pavilion


7:53PM Dad keeping on eye on Eldest in the same tree, directly east of nest, same side of street, as Eldest bobbles and flaps on a branch. Note Dad's talons curled around quite skinny branch without difficulty. Compare to branch size yesterday that gave Eldest so much trouble. Why is that? The answer to that question is the same as to the question, "How do I get to Carnegie Hall?"
(Answer for those who missed out on " classical music student's jokes 101" , at the end of today's blog.)

8:10PM Mom on the cross keeping an eye on Youngest and Eldest.
(Practise, practise, practise.)
1 comment:
You wrote "Note Dad's talons curled around quite skinny branch without difficulty. Compare to branch size yesterday that gave Eldest so much trouble. Why is that? The answer to that question is the same as to the question, "How do I get to Carnegie Hall?"
Funny, witty lady! Some wonderful photos here. Your new camera is really doin' its stuff.
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