Saturday, July 28, 2012

Two Together in Rehab and Opera Star Tries for a Squirrel

Opera Star pursues squirrel for lunch west of the Hamilton statue behind the MET. Metadata time 1235.
Photos and Italicized commentary by Jeff Johnson

Poisoned Fledgling Update- When Cathy Horvath was asked today if the two poisoned Fifth Avenue Fledglings were being kept together in rehab, she responded, 

"They are not being housed together but they are in the same quiet room ."

Just another example that Cathy knows exactly what she is doing.  

As hawks once off the nest are not particularly into cuddling but rather more into play which includes tussles and mock killing.  And as even very ill hawks can have fiesty moments, remember  when Trooper finished her long drink, it's best that they can't bug each other.  But they can still see each other and be companionable as they would if they were perched in the same tree. 

 Second, Jeff sighted Pale Male today with Opera Star, so no worries about either of them.  As to Zena, she's been keeping an extremely low profile since the threesome fledged off the nest so there isn't a change there.  It isn't like we saw her repeatedly on a daily basis so it isn't surprising that we've not seen her lately.  

Pix of Pale and Opera Star will be posted next up after this post.  

Now on to Opera Star and the Squirrels! 
He's getting a lot of exercise at least. Metadata time 1235.
 He's still intent on getting a squirrel. Metadata time 1235.

 If looks could kill there would have been at least three deceased squirrels from this stare. Metadata time 1244.

Great shot Jeff! 
Opera Star still hunting. Metadata time 1253.
 Opera Star in a tree NNW of Cleopatra's Needle. Metadata time 1254.
 Opera Star repositioning himself. Metadata time 1254.
Opera Star resting on he north perimeter of Cleopatra's Needle. This is the same Red-tail despite all the color variation you see from frame to frame…I had an eye on him the entire time.
 Metadata time 1258.
Opera Star looking very much like a younger Pale Male here. Metadata time 1300.
 Still along the north perimeter of Cleopatra's NeedleOpera Star persistent in his resolve to bag some prey below. 
Metadata time 1302.
 Dives into the brambles around Cleopatra;s Needle chasing something. Metadata time 1304.

 Opera Star making repeated attempts to get something in the underbrush. Metadata time 1304.
Opera Star takes a moment to relax and reconsider his hunting tactics.  Metadata time 1313.
He then launched to the west so I went south to look at the 927 Nest during the time I had allocated for this afternoon's fledge spotting. No one was visible.  
 Departing scene for the afternoon I left by going northeast around the back of the MET. This possibly feral cat was prowling around where many supplementary meals had been offered to Trooper before she was successfully caught and fostered into rehab for treatment. Maybe the cat had also been dining on these or leftovers or just smelled the faint traces they left behind. Metadata time 1349.

Returned to the Park at 1800 and did a 927 Nest check but no one was visible. Metadata time 1813.
Getting over to Central Park West hoping to find some Red-tails I came upon this Blue Jay hang a drink from a schist dimple which had collected some recent rainwater. Metadata time 1840.
Blue Jay drank this way time and again for about three minutes. Metadata time 1840.
No Red-tail joy on this excursion… I heard a Red-tail call from this portion of a tree on the corner of east 85th and 5th but never got eyes on it. Metadata time 1920.

Jeff, was that a begging call or the signature Red-tail keeeeee? 

Perhaps we've not seen much of Zena since the young fledged because she has been busy patrolling the perimeters of the territory?  This is very often the case with first time Red-tail Dads.  Just ask Isolde up at the Cathedral.  The first year he was a dad, he spent so much time expanding the perimeters of the territory and glaring at the raptor neighbors he sometimes forget to hunt for her.


What is the only family of birds that do not have to raise their heads to swallow water?

Updates on the Fifth Avenue Fledglings at Rehab as they come in! 

Next up from Jeff Johnson--
                                           Pale Male and Opera Star Hang Out! 

Donegal Browne

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