Photo by Paul Anderson
Mute Swans, Cygnus olor
Actually they aren't mute they hiss and wheeze. They're the ornamental park variety, exotics which have become established in the wild. They eat aquatic plants and seeds, which one of them seems to be doing, with head and neck disappeared into the water. The other is keeping a close eye on the activities of the nearest duck.

Photo by Paul Anderson.
Exactly why the huge swans feel the need to keep such a sharp eye on the much littler ducks I don't know. Perhaps swans have a need for a particular allotment of personal space--or else.

Photo by Richard Fleisher
Photos of the Great Horned Owl 3/17 at the Botanical Garden.
Beginning to wonder, I am no expert on GHO but it seems to me that we are either approaching or past the normal gestation period for a GHO (average of 33 days).
Is it possible that there has been a hatch but we just haven't seen the owlets yet as they aren't old enough to peek out? Not much chance that the NYBG is open at night so you'd be able to see if both parents fly out to get food for the little guys. Though to tell the truth, I know that both Screech Owl parents will go out to forage for the young come evening but I don't know if that is the case with GHOs.

Photo by Richard Fleisher

Photo by Richard Fleisher

Photo by Richard Fleisher
Hmmm, looks kind of grumpy doesn't he?

Photo by Richard Fleisher

Photo by Richard Fleisher
I had another adventure today at the NYBG. I recently purchased a small HD camcorder and took it with me into the forest for the first time. Incredibly, while not too far from my previous encounters with Rose and Vince, I saw this beautiful raptor touchdown on the top of a tree. As I got closer, I noticed it was playing cat and mouse with a potential meal. A tough NYC squirrel. I got some video. The squirrel lived to run another day.
I'm not sure if this hawk was Vince, or the juvenile Red-tail I saw at the Twin lakes last time or perhaps another hawk.
Click this link for the video.
If this is Vince, Rose won't be eating many squirrels while sitting the nest. It is a very common sight to see a young Red-tail attempting to nab a squirrel that's in a tree. It just doesn't happen, not if the squirrel is healthy and smart enough to stay in the tree--and most all of them are once they know the hawk is there.
As anyone knows who as a child tried to get a close look at a squirrel hanging from the trunk of a tree, the minute you come closer they just head for the other side of the trunk--and they can do it all day. Even a Red-tail who has managed to herd a squirrel out on an isolated limb is still out of luck as squirrels can scoot round to the bottom of the limb and then back up again behind the hawk.
The secrets on the hawk's part to squirrel nabbing is stealth and patience.
First, the hawk must come in and perch without attracting any notice. If the hawk is noticed all the squirrels in the area will sit on limbs and whine at him, and whine, and whine until he gives up. And as we know a squirrel on a limb is not dinner.
Second, once perched without notice, the Red-tail must be patient and not give himself away by making a vain attempt at a squirrel in a tree. He must wait until a squirrel is on the ground and far enough from a tree for the hawk to make his move, grab the squirrel with a very firm grip, squirrels John Blakeman tells us have very tough skin, and then put it out of commission before the squirrel can damage the hawk. Squirrel grabbing is quite a dangerous business. Those teeth and an ensuing infection can mean a hawk's demise.
TANGENT: I had a cousin grab a squirrel by the tail who was used to being hand fed. The squirrel curled right back up to his tail and bit clean through her thumb. Obviously something to be avoided.
If you want to see the photo without the watermark, please go to my flickr page.
Once there, click the file marked red-tail hawks 2010. The two photos are called chase1 and chase2.