Photograph courtesy of palemale.com
The common wisdom is that hawks are not social animals and therefore show little companionability or what we might call affection towards each other. Not so, at least in this hawk family.

Photograph courtesy of palemale.com
Pale Male arrives with yet more food, another pigeon, for Ginger Lima and his rapidly growing family. He hunts endlessly and brings back portion after portion of prey.
Pale Male takes a momentary breather and the parents then stare down at the eyasses.
If you haven't done so already today, hit the palemale.com link. Lincoln Karim, incredible photographer everyday, is particularly inspired in this days photographs . Plus when you get to the home page, scroll down past the large photo to the first video.
There are a couple of very interesting bits of behavior. One of which I've never seen before. In the first few seconds of the video, Ginger Lima appears to push one of the eyasses back from the edge of the nest with her foot. Yes, her very heavily taloned foot without hurting the little guy one bit. But he does get the message and stays back when she walks the edge of the nest in that direction.
Secondly later in the video, though you can see portions of, and positions of both of the known eyasses, Ginger puts her head down deeper into the nest. Now she may be doing a little clean up of the bowl down there, but it is also possible that she may be giving a third eyass a bite of food.
Keep your eyes open and stay tuned.
Next, a pair of nesting Peregrines double team a young Red-tail, now under medical care- in from Robin of Illinois--
Nesting Falcons drive Red-tail into pavement.

Photograph courtesy of Rob Schmunk, bloomingdalevillage.blogspot.com/
Bluejays have been harassing the formel, Isolde. She has tried multiple perches and the Jays just won't give it up. According to Rob Schmunk one the chief watchers of this nest, one of the Divine eyasses has been keeping an eye on the whole process. No doubt storing away the visuals for later reference when the same might be happening to her.

Photograph courtesy of Rob Schmunk, bloomingdalevillage.blogspot.com/
Big wing stretch! Before long there will be a whole lot of flapping and hopping going on at this nest.
From raptor watcher Jackie Dover, vocalizations on an eagle’s nest plus tandem feeding by both parents--
Hornby Eagles
(Mom comes in at 3 minutes 30 sec., and Dad, at 9 minutes 25 seconds. I like the vocalizations at that point.)
Donegal Browne