Jackie of Tulsa sent this amazing photo from the Franklin FaceBook page:
Photo courtesy by Darryl W. Moran, The Franklin Institute Facebook page.

Isolde and one of the three "kids", courtesy of Rob Schmunk over at http://morningsidehawks.blogspot.com/
For those Concerned about the localized flooding in Central Park and possible lack of prey-Pale Male, Octavia, and the eyasses are all still eating very well.
And last but not least, I recieved an update from Chris Lyons concerning the Fordham Hawks- Vince, his New Girl, and the scary fledgling situation. Chris is still working on contacts for the nest building. But things are looking up, as various people in the neighborhood know about the nest and are enthusiastic about helping to keep the fledglings safe.
Happy Hawking
Donegal Browne