Peregrine images courtesy of the Rochester Falconcam
Mariah watches her 41st eyass hatch!

Time for some Breakfast Pigeon.
--(At least I think it's pigeon. D.B.)
Many thanks to stalwart Peregrine Falcon watcher, Eileen of NY, who sent in this marvelous update with her thoughts, which I heartily second, on the situation with Pale Male and Lola as well--
Good evening Donna-
Before I get to my news I do have to say I'm sad that Pale Male & Lola had an unsuccessful nest this year. But the many Red Tails he and his mates have sent out to the world is still awe inspiring. We may never know for sure how many of the currently nesting pairs may be their blood offspring, but I can't imagine that none of them are. And if he hadn't chosen 5th Ave. for his nest how many of us would spend our days looking into the sky in wonder? That, I believe, is Pale Male's true legacy.
(Indeed Eileen. How many eyes are upturned to the sky because of Pale Male and his mates? Far more than many can possibly imagine, I'm sure. D.B.)
Now, my primary passion, the Peregrines. Hatching and maturing of the eyases is progressing along at most of the nests without incident. There is a nest in Nebraska whose falcon was involved in a territory battle on Monday and was taken into rehab. The first egg hatched this morning and the tiercel is doing his best to hunt and brood. The raptor center will be providing quail nearby to help the tiercel. They expect the falcon to recover and be returned to the nest in about a week. Time will tell, but nests have succeeded in the past in similar dire circumstances.
At my "home" scrape in Rochester NY, Mariah and Kaver had their first hatches in the wee small hours of this morning. A bit after 8am the third of the 5 eggs hatched...which is Mariah's 41st eyas! I'm attaching images from the webcam of the first sighting of the wet and pink 3rd eyas and their first feeding around 1pm.
Being the well experienced falcon that Mariah is, we haven't seen much of them today. She's keeping them well tucked under her while turning and brooding the remaining eggs, which should hatch over the next couple of days. You can watch them live at http://rfalconcam.com/
One of Mariah & Kaver's daughters from 2006, Rhea Mae, has, in a bit of serendipity, chosen a scrape with a webcam in Toronto- http://www.peregrine-foundation.ca/Web_Cams/TorontoSheraton/index.htm She and her mate Tiago hatched 2 eyases yesterday. There are 2 more eggs which may not hatch since she's so young. Rhea Mae is one of the successes in dire circumstances I mentioned above. Mariah was injured just as the eggs were beginning to hatch and struggled to continue brooding them. Kaver did all the hunting, even feeding Mariah along with the eyases. 2 eyases didn't make it, but 3 survived and thrived. Mariah healed and here we are, celebrating another season! So, that's all for now!All the best
Eileen in NY
Bravo to all the amazing raptors!
Donegal Browne
P.S. The next post down was published in the wee hours of the morning today so if this is your first visit of the day, keep scrolling.