45 degrees and the birds are on the move.

Suddenly the male Cardinals are vying for territory and singing every spare moment.
First berries then....

the Robins and Juncos forage with vigor for invertebrates during the thaw.
The Fifth Avenue Hawk Report from Katherine Herzog
HWY 59 Tiercel surveys a field abutting a subdivision
Dear Donna....just a few words about my short spell at the Hawk Bench:
Fri, March 9, '07--between 3:13 and 4:25pm (sunny, 30-F, windy)
Pale is doing it all while Lola is looking gorgeously "egg-nant" sitting on the nest most of the day...she has not laid eggs yet but must be very close....still sitting high on the nest, getting up to rearrange the twigs, getting the nest comfortable and secure.
They both took off for the Ramble at around 3:30, so I did too...and then I returned at 4:00 to see they were both on the nest. Then Pale dove down to one of the lower level terraces on Dr. Fisher's Bldg and retrieved a mouse for Lola's late afternoon snack at 4:25.
Pale continues to bring twigs to the nest, posts himself at or near the nest on neighboring buildings, and brings Lola various critters for nourishment. He seems to relish his purpose-driven-life!
It would be well to remember that during the last 2 years of Lola's egg laying...the weather turned brutally cold with driving snow. The weather for this weekend and the following week is forcast for light rain but much milder tempteratures than the below-freezing ones of the last couple of weeks....and not a snowflake in sight. Let's hope the third year (post-nest annihilation) may be the charm.
All the best, Katherine