Photo courtesy of palemale.com
From New York City Hawk Watcher Stella Hamilton with an update on Pale Male And Ginger Lima's eldest fledgling hasn't been doing as well as one might expect of a healthy eyass--
Dear Donna, I was at Cedar Hill again this afternoon to watch the babies. I arrived at around 5pm to find the 2 babies along the East drive , close to the Still Hunt (stone panther) . Fledgling # 2, the younger, smaller , darker,and healthy one, was on a tree toward the Ramble side with a rat that was handed over to it by Mom. I've also heard that Fledgling # 2 caught a pigeon by itself today .
Fledgling # 1, the bigger, lighter sick kid, was also on a tree along the East Drive toward Cedar Hill . I must say F#1 appears more animated, and more aggressive compared to yesterday. It was calling and moving and flying quite a bit . It even grabbed the rat from it's smaller sibling across the way and ate all of it on the ground. . Palemale later delivered another pigeon which the younger one ate on a Pine Tree close to the 79th street Transverse. So, it seems our sick baby is getting better , although not out of the blue. It roosted over the the Glade Arch after many attempts to hop from one branch to the other to find the most comfortable spot. I hope to check on them again tomorrow. Stella :)
Thank you Stella! Can't wait for the next installment.
Donegal Browne