As many of you know wind turbines are talking a dreadful toll on avian wildlife, including the newly burgeoning populations of American Bald and Golden Eagles.
So the answer, as many of you may also know, from the Department of the Interior is that they are going to have Fish and Wildlife issue 30 year federal permits to kill Bald Eagles to wind industry companies
(I know. The mind reels and the blood boils.)
Because according to the Department of the Interior, integrating experimentation of conservation methods with the wind turbine industry ...would be too hard.
(The top of my head just may blow off.)
According to Audubon, more than 573,000 birds are killed by the country's wind farms each year including 83,000 raptors-hawks, falcons, and eagles.
And let us not forget that according to the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918 it is illegal to kill a single raptor without a permit, but the Department of the Interior has only managed to enforce the Migratory Treaty Act once against a wind energy company. That obviously is too hard for them as well. The solution....make killing raptors legal for the next THIRTY YEARS! Yea!!!! Get Fish and Wildlife to issue them permits. Wooo hoooo!!!
Now there's a truly magic solution.
Therefore if the top of your head wants to blow off too and you'd like to express your strong concerns, be so kind as to send a letter to
Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewels
U.S. Department of the Interior
1839 C Street NW
Washington DC 20240
We've found that snail mail works well as it shows you took the time to not only write something by hand, you also were willing to spring for the stamp.
Plus I like the thought of overflowing mailbags of letters from a raptor loving citizenry.
Plus we have two other outlets for your opinion-
Email may be sent to, feedback@doi.gov
And a group option from Audubon Action-
Protect America's Eagles!
"We must act quickly to urge Interior Secretary Jewell to reverse a recent decision to grant 30-year eagle permits to the wind industry. Newer technology and siting information is available that could pose less risk to birds, but the Interior’s action has put Bald and Golden Eagles at risk."
GO! Spread the Word!
Photo courtesy of http://www.palemale.com/
Though there always seems to be some dreadful crisis pending, it is comforting to realize that yet again this January, Pale Male's mate sits on a familiar perch overlooking Central Park as New York City's hawk season begins.
Yet again the hawkwatchers will gather in Central Park to watch a pair of Red-tailed Hawks dance above the Model Boat Pond and glide into the nest site on 927 Fifth Avenue-the nest of Pale Male, the Monarch of Central Park, and his latest consort.
Happy Hawking!
Donegal Browne