Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A Visit to the Divines and Mini Updates from James Lewis

Tristan's gorgeous red tail...

4:38pm Though I'm told by today's reporter, that at this point in the process, nothing, is about all he'll see for much of his time watching at The Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, as this nest is so very deep, it wasn't quite true Monday.

4:52 Aha! What's that? The first sight of Isolde, her tail.

5:03pm Isolde rouses her feathers.

5:19 Another look at Isolde's tail, this time mid nest.

5:21 Isolde's tail far right.

5:29pm Tristan arrives with Isolde's dinner. He stays in this position and then crosses the nest and looks out towards Morningside Park, then exits from this side and flies out through the treeline to the north.

Isolde eats with her head obscured from view.

Isolde behind St. Andrew's head.

5:59pm See the pale gray feather tip, just above St. Andrew's index finger? That is the tip of the primary feather at the tip of the pigeon wing that Isolde is having for desert.
James Lewis, an original Regular at the Hawk Bench, and the creator of a marvelous chart of information concerning Pale Male, his mates, and his progeny reports on Monday at 927 Fifth Ave., "Nothing new at the nest today." And also that the Fordham hawks have not moved their nest as has been rumored but are sitting eggs in their usual spot.
Donegal Browne

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