Thursday, April 26, 2007

Pale Male and Lola In The Rain- Wednesday

4:40pm Pale Male on the railing of Stovepipe in the pouring rain. Though his feathers seem to be shedding the water well.

5:09pm Lola peeks out and looks at the sky. Pale Male?

Pale Male lands on the south, right terrace just above the tree line of the The Fisher Building. Note the corner of the railing looks just a touch taller and more pointed than those above it.

5:26pm Pale Male on the Fisher Building terrace with prey.

5:31pm Pale Male lands on the nest from the south.

5:34pm Lola rises from the nest while Pale Male watches.

5:36pm Lola eats some feathers.
5:43pm While Lola eats Pale Male goes nest right and watches from a new angle.

5:46pm Pale Male and Lola shelter together from the rain for a few moments, protected by the overhang of their nest.

5 47pm Lola heads for the bowl of the nest and Pale Male whets his soiled beak on the masonry.

5:48pm With a last look out at the pouring rain, Lola, crop full, settles into the nest. Pale Male swoops off towards the Linda Building.

6:10 Pale Male on Linda 4. Lola is deep in the nest, invisible from the ground.

6:35pm The rain falls and the day fades with Pale Male viewing his domain. Foot tucked, he watches the patterns of prey for another day and yet another season.

Alice and the creatures of Wonderland

In Central Park just as in Wonderland the endings of some chapters are not necessarily what we or she might wish for. But then again Pale Male still reigns and the Central Park Book is still being written...

Many thanks to Katherine Herzog, Ludmilla Stern, Stella Hamiltion, Robert Schmunk, Georgiana Spelvin, and the grand Marie Winn.

Donegal Browne

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