Sunday, April 29, 2007

The Pale Male and Lola Discussion

No Pale Male is not wearing lipstick. He's just brought Lola her dinner and he has shall we say a little residue on his beak. Which in a few moments he will turn round and rub off on the masonry of 927 Fifth Ave. Currently though he looks down at the cradle.
Speaking of the cradle, the irreplaceable Pale Male and Lola, and that third nest failure in a row, the discussion has begun as to what went wrong, what could be done, or even if anything should be done to rectify the situation on The website of the irrepressible Marie Winn, original Central Park hawk watcher and author of the beautiful book, Red-tails In Love.
Check it out.
Okay, finally I can now get my photos to come up on the computer, so honest, the report and photos for Friday, the day we saw definitive feeding activity will be up soon!
Donegal Browne

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