Wednesday, March 31, 2010

PART 2 Ax to Grind

The hawks are making such a ruckus that they are spooking all the smaller flocks of birds who take to their wings as well.

In the next few seconds they make contact once again.


...they both disappear from sight in the distance.


Was that a territorial dispute, it is likely the border between the County Ms and the Townie hawks Whistle and Dollar General. Though I did not recognize Two as being an M.

Or was that purely a dispute as to who gets to hunt from the pole that One originally sat on? Remember the moment when Two went to sit on the same pole only lower?

Donegal Browne

1 comment:

Sally said...

Wow Donna! Great fight sequence! I am so sorry to hear about Athena- did they rescue the eggs to incubate them and then release them or what? Atlas cannot do it alone..