Friday, October 19, 2012

The Raptor Migration Parade Part I and The Audubon Action American Eagle Compact

1:21:27PM  There was no crow alert this time.  I just looked out and there the immature Cooper's Hawk sat at ease on one leg atop the Sparrow Pile in the drizzle.
1:21:50PM  And there she continued to sit.
 1:22:05PM  She continued to scan.
 1:25:52PM  Here in the profile you can see the different slope of the skull and beak compared to a Red-tail.
 1:30:39PM  Her contracted foot comes down and her right wing stretches slightly

1:30:46PM  She stretches and appears to see me.  If she did she didn't seem to care one bit.
1:30:47PM The stretching appears to have unsettled the sparrows in the stick pile and activated them.  But not enough to flush.  They know better than that.

To be continued...

But in the meantime, give some thought to signing the Audubon Action American Eagle Compact!

Join the conversation at The Eagles Nest Blog-

Could this be a place to talk about Urban Hawks and Secondary Rat poisoning?

Donegal Browne

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