Tuesday, November 08, 2011

The Right Moves

Eric Fortune and Melissa Coleman
SCIENCE | November 08, 2011
(In from our gleaner of the New York times, Bill Walters, by the way if you happened to see Conan O'Brien's bit with the chess player the other evening, the chess whiz in Central Park was Bill Walters, our gleaner.)

Observatory: In Andes, 2 Wrens Sing What Sounds Like a Solo
Each member of the duo reacts to what the other one does, adjusting the timing and pitch as needed to maintain the melody the two are trying to play together...

Another instance of my current hypothesis that tight pair bonding is a product of a synchronized activity on the part of the male and female. Note particularly in the piece about human dancers. So is the high rate of divorce/pair bond dissolution in humans due to the fact that we don't dance enough together anymore?

My photo program and blog are no longer getting along so as of the moment can't post any of my own stuff. I do hope it works soon.

Donegal Browne

1 comment:

Karen Anne said...

How are doorstop dove and friend?