Monday, May 03, 2010

Monday With the Divines--at least Large anyway.

This is Large, and likely if you look carefully Medium to the left of Large peering through the twigs, looking for their parents. At least an hour before (I seem to have misplaced the memory card with that section of events. ??? Today is a travel day, I'm distracted.) one of the parents was tending the nest. I think it was Norman. Well, Norman flew off as the kids were becoming quite active. Rebellion against Isolde's nightly break? I don't know, but neither Isolde nor Norman had come back by 6:30PM when I had to leave. (See Rob Schmunk's blog for events after 6:30, )
The above look on Large's part is often the look given an over flying parent. And eyass just perks right up and stares--just in case a delivery might be occurring.

No such luck, but Large is keeping an eye peeled on the situation anyway.

But then her head begins to sag and I'd say that here she was taking time out for a bit of an eyass nap.

Oops something else has caught her attention. Hawks are pretty focused on certain things. Even the little ones.

But then her eyes begin to droop again and the lower mandible rests on the twigs.

Large's head slips down once again for a rest.

Her head rises a little.

Is that an eye?
And then there are no heads at all.
Check Rob's site for the activities later in the day--

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