Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Pale Male Puts On a Show at the Hawk Bench, Tweaking the Franklin Nest, and Silver Chews Styrofoam

Pale Male Photo courtesy of

We were talking recently on the blog about the amazing difference the light of any given day has on a hawk's feathers. 

 A grand example is this photo of Pale Male from Sunday identified as such by the photographer.   His famous paleness isn't apparent at all.  
Speaking of Pale Male and Sunday--
 From long time Hawk Watcher Stella Hamilton, 

Dear Donna, 

I was in Central Park this past Sunday, and saw Pale Male a lot.

 I was in fact very excited to watch him dive for something in the bushes right next to the Hawkbench!

 Pale Male is a marvel.  He isn't bothered a bit by familiar watchers when he's hot on the trail of prey.
From Jackie of Oklahoma-  
The Franklin Hawks do some nest tweaking.

Photo courtesy of  Kevin Vaughan.

Photo courtesy of  KevinVaughan .

 Photo courtesy of  Kevin Vaughan.

And last but not least The Animals on the Home Front Report--

Silver chews a Styrofoam peanut (which he isn't supposed to have) and the static electricity of the friction make the bits cling to his beak.  He stops for a full minute looking deep in thought.  Note Squirrel the Kitten biding his time in the up left corner.

A moment later, Squirrel zipped up and with a quick flick of his paw, stole  the peanut.  Silver watched the action and then went back to "thinking".
In the meantime, Pyewackit is the latest in a long line of my companion animals who, when the packing of suitcases appears to foretell a trip, crawl into the suitcase as if they don't want to be forgotten.

Yes, she's a cat and cats often cozy into places.  But in this case I'd been living out of a suitcase for nearly three months and she only got into it on the day of departure. 

Donegal Browne 

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