Friday, May 13, 2011

Apologies Blogger's Been Down. ON TO VIOLET!

My apologies everyone, Blogger has been down for two days. It's back up but I've got quite a backlog so instead of putting it all in one post, I'm doing mini-posts, and not strictly chronological as they've come in the past two days.) so keep checking back and scroll down to make sure you've seen the previous one. (This is the first of this day so the scroll down part doesn't count with this one.)

NYU Hawk follower Linda Maslin left a message concerning Violet's condition on NYC Audubon's Facebook page.
Why was nothing done to help Violet? It would have been so much better to try to help her this week while the eyass was small. It also would have been better to have Bobby Horvath do the job. His expertise with red-tails is known throughout the region. I hope this is not a missed opportunity! Violet needs help NOW!
Here is NYC Audubon's response

NYC Audubon

NYC Audubon has full faith in the team assembled by DEC to address this issue. The risks of intervening are great, and given the improved function seen over the last few days, it is clear that now is NOT the time to intervene. NYC Audubon has tremendous respect for Bobby Horvath, and turn to him for assistance with most raptor issues. The DEC team includes wildlife experts with even more experience than Bobby, hard as that may be to believe.


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