Thursday, January 13, 2011

Pale Male's New Girl, Red-tailed Hawk Smashes Into NY Times Atrium , Does Valkyrie Need a Nest Nook?, Bopping Ibis, Plus Doorstep and Friend

Photo by Francois Portmann,
A younger brown-tailed Valkyrie hangs out at the construction site in Tompkins Square.

Note that Valkyrie has lighter and darker areas on her head. Francois Portmann reports she still has these. And as Pale Male's new girl doesn't, Valkyrie will likely still be resident in Tompkins Square Park. That is until a male attracts her, who might steal her away to another area.

Now if Valkyrie had a nifty possible nest site around Thompkins Square Park she just might attract a male and stay put, much to the delight of the many who already watch her.

In 2008 a different female with a mate attempted to build a nest in a tree in Tompkins Square Park. Which according to report didn't work because every time the hawks weren't in the immediate vicinity the squirrels dismantled it.

It appears that there wasn't a building that fitted the criteria for those hawks for a building nest, or perhaps there just isn't a spot even remotely acceptable for any hawk pair.

Which put me in mind of hawk specialist John Blakeman's, 2006 design for a Nest Nook, a nest bowl attachment, which could be fitted to either a wall or a ledge of an urban building overlooking a green space. There was some talk about a possible tree model as well.
Check it out-

This was just a beginning thought back in 2006, now not only do we have some birds who could put one to good use in a neighborhood which might be amenable, but we know more about the needs of urban fledglings so perhaps it 's time to expand the concept. I'm hoping that John Blakeman has time to upgrade his initial thoughts.

My suggestions include a "runway" connected to either side of the Nest Nook bowl for the fledglings to exercise, run, and flap on, plus perhaps some horizontal perches above to "branch" on. The runway could be wood topped with pigeon spikes anchored to it . These would allow the adults to add more twigs which would stay in place because of the pigeon spikes. Also because wind and the cooling of the eggs might be an issue, more protection surrounding and under the bowl itself.

What do you think? Any other suggestions?

Red-tailed Hawk Smashes Into Glass of the New York Times Building Atrium

The Raptors NYC Group was once again called into action by a call to NYC Audubon--

An Update from Wildlife in Need Of Rescue and Rehabilitation's Bobby Horvath--

This afternoon we received a call from Glenn Philips that he was notified of a situation that a hawk was injured inside the NY Times Building in Manhattan at W. 41 st. It was inside the atrium standing in a ground floor garden apparently stunned .

After a few calls we were able to get Peter Richter to leave work early (thank you to his understanding boss ) . I was concerned that if it regained its composure before anyone got to it it would be extremely difficult to catch since it was described to me as 5 stories tall and wide open where he was.

In many rescue situations any animal may gather all its remaining strength to elude capture fearing for its life and too often have gone on guaranteed "downed" birds who miraculously fly away as I get near holding my net. If its fully flighted and not injured there’s no harm done but the opposite case where an injured bird manages to get some lift or over a fence or to a garage or building rooftop may mean a slow death if necessary medical care is unable to be given.

In this case it was luckily in time and Peter does have some bites and scratches for his efforts but we appreciate his dedication. Thanks again Peter. It is again a juvenile male attesting to Cathy's possible discovery of her silly males getting in trouble syndrome may have some merits.

He is very dark , almost chocolate brown and in good shape except for some blood over his cere where he most likely crashed and a possible wrist injury but doesn't appear anything is broken so a little rest should do the trick.

Cathy gives everything a little pain med for these type cases and put him in a quiet warm spot to rest .

Also today we got in a juvenile red shouldered hawk from Seagate , Brooklyn that somebody found 2 days ago and has had in their bathroom till they found us. It also looks in good shape and was probably a collision of some type but nobody knows anything more.

For the New York Times stories and video, click the links--

And one of the aforementioned saviors, Peter Richter's blog is--

In from New York City's W.A. Walters
| January 11, 2011
Observatory: Bony Wings That Went 'Pow! Smack! Whomp!'
Researchers said an extinct, flightless bird that came from Jamaica and belonged to
the ibis family used its wings as a powerful club.

It is snowing once again, but Doorstep Dove and Friend were out for their evening warm-up before roosting again this evening.

Doorstep gives me a binoc look.
Friend has taken to standing in the warm water during their pre-roost sojourn on the bath. The New York City pigeons do the same thing when I bring warm water onto the terrace. I used to wonder if it wouldn't make their feet too cold when they got out as they'd be wet. Evidently it isn't a problem as they keep doing it.

It's getting darker, it's almost time for their exit.

Friend leaves first as usual. Doorstep takes a minute or two by herself and then she's off to sleep.

Plus Pale Male's new girl was sighted again yesterday, 1/12, interacting with the Monarch of Central Park.
Scroll down further for previous new girl updates.

Donna Browne


Anonymous said...

You give some good ideas for protecting our feathered friends with New York Building Construction. However, with all of the options currently available and the wide range of prices, even when simply looking to add a nest nook, research is an invaluable first step. McGraw Hill's New York Construction site is a great resource for this. They have a ton of important information, including who is available for hire and what they are like, as well as what products and manufacturers there are. Though I may work with them, they have honestly been a great help in all of my projects and have saved me both time and money. They are really worth looking into.

Donegal Browne said...

Excellent. Thanks for the tip Laura!

I'll pass it along. I do hope we find someone who'd like a Nest Nook on their building.

John Blakeman has promised me some revised drawings very soon for a new improved Nest Nook with more "branching" possibilities for eyasses.