Sunday, November 02, 2008


There may be hope for the lower East Side territory this coming hawk season. I just received this email in my box.


I just wanted to write and let you know that I have just spotted (9:35
AM) two Red Tail Hawks a male and large female flying over Houston Street and
Avenue D on the lower east side of Manhattan.

I do not know if it is the same female Red-tail Hawk that I had been watching back in May and June but it could be her.

The female hawk likes to stop on top of the NYC Housing Project on the
North West Corner of Houston and Columbia Streets.

I will check the old nest on the air conditioner on PS 188 to see if they might be thinking of using it as a nest.

Houston Hawk Watcher

Let's hope nature finds a path to a healthier hawk family in that territory if the birds stay.

P.S. Yes, I'm working on the Thunder comparisons but I am having dreadful loading issues with Blogger. And without readily available photos for you to compare, it rather defeats the purpose now doesn't it? I'll keep at it.

Donegal Browne

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