Wednesday, April 25, 2007

The Divine Hawks, WI Cardinal, and Cranes

3:39pm The Divine nest, looking empty as can be, but we know better. Though it takes ever so long to prove it. (Many thanks to Ludmilla Stern.)

5:05pm Tristan arrives from the east, lands on the nest and looks down, one assumes at Isolde, who has been snugged down in the bowl for some time.

5:05pm Tristan looks over his shoulder, just checking. Whether he came with or without prey isn't clear but if the trip was just to stop in to see if Isolde wanted a break, she didn't. He glided off to the northeast and then into Morningside Park. Giving everyone, I understand, a gorgeous view of his underside.

5:12pm Isolde finally comes up for air and shows her face fleetingly.

5:13pm Isolde rouses her feathers.

5:48pm Isolde's bottom appears on the left side of the nest.

5:49pm Isolde resituates herself to nest left and then disappears deep.

Sometimes perseverance just might pay off. Mr. Singing-Til-You-Drop Cardinal was getting a response today from down the block. I haven't seen her yet, but Mr. C must have as he seems to be redoubling his efforts if that's possible. (No new photo as he kept singing behind a thick Spruce branch.)

The Sandhills are still coming through and the International Crane Foundation just had their annual count up in Baraboo, Wisconsin.
Donegal Browne

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