Monday, May 21, 2007

Saturday at the Divines in the Rain

Rob Schmunk of dropped by the Chathedral nest at 6:05PM Saturday. Here's what he saw.

6:05 p.m. -- Isolde was sitting on the nest watching the rain. The kids were taking a nap and Tristan was nowhere to be seen.

Drop down to the next post, Catbirds: the Natural Fledgling Finder,in the comment section for links sent in by a reader with a rundown on the expression "sitting in the Catbird seat". The baseball connection does rings a bell.

Donegal Browne


Robert said...

Donna, This was about Saturday, not Sunday.

Sunday at 6:05 was quite nice out.

Donegal Browne said...

Sorry Rob, I stand corrected and so is the blog now. Thanks. That's what I get for being out of town.